today is the day I started all this shit. Five years ago, I was kicked out of the buildings with hallways and bars and detentions, and little grey lockers I had my name and my pictures in. There were teachers who could cry almost as hard as me, and books I wrote threats in the year before so why would it matter the October of my 8th grade graduation I ask you?
I'm super sick. I am sweltering in 49 degree weather. I am freezing when the fire is smoking and my nose is running like an avalanche. I have no cell phone---it's been stolen. I have no life in other words. I have no sweater and all my so-called friends are a bunch of fucking liars.
But I have Mikael. and Chris. and Emma, Kaleigh, sometimes Lucy as well, I guess.
but I feel helpless and worthless and I have to wonder why all my shit is always being jacked.
I should not be surprised, it's October 28th, you know.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It's the bitch of living.
I've got a sure stairway to heaven, do you think? Do they think I want this? Oh who knows? I've got Economics, Government, and an awesome rock box for AP Environmental with no sense of accomplishment because it has been ordained to suck ass.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
I'll stop a fucking war for you.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Normal Adolescent Behavior
Somehow she manages to take the most boring pictures with a vibrant camera lens. And she'll mess with her makeup, toss around that hair, grit those cocaine stained teeth at me, as if I'm the reason she can't get off. I'll wear too much and be a raccoon, nocturnal and obsessed with things that shine. Thats why I'm attracted to girls, no lie, they sparkle with feminine glory, no doubt. My junk, consists of love and passion, intertwined, as I'm trying to relive you with me in those rainbow sheets. Headfirst sliding into orlando's pool, covered in paint and sweat and something else we won't mention, but it's milky and white, and fuck, a tad bit blue as well.We were a family, I know we were. We stopped the sex after we got our morals, and the drinking was over, the smoking was done, yet I still had a beer in my hand, and cigarettes stuffed between my fore and middle finger. Take your stupid pictures, I haven't a care and you have nothing I want, my dear. Put them on your websites, I promise not to tell a soul or tag you as the latest cross-county bag of slut, which you are and always were and most likely always will be.Darling, don't cry. I can't stand to see that face and that mascara trailing down like little ants scurrying in their lines. You are an ant, to me at least, and if I get the chance, you can be assured, I will step on you with all the force of my broken foot laced in a new green converse shoe. Here's the best part, she wrote better at thirteen than I do at seventeen and I hate her for it with all the love I despise of her.
When Axle was all tripped out on roses, I was there. When he cut his wrist while crying by the dumpsters behind the bowling alley, I wrapped the scars. When we were in the movie theatre and Queerman had a panic attack and they stopped the film, turned on the lights, and almost called the paramedics, when in reality he was just shocked by something I said to him about sex...the next night, when he lost his virginity and wanted to kill himself for pounding into a girl like an animal. When the tall drunk girl almost died because I let her drink too much even though I knew people with diabetes can't do that. When the slut of 2009 moved. To Conneticut and left me here where we got seventh place and we've yet to talk, though I have dreams about it constantly.When Lu was on stage and inspired to help her brother get off drugs because she hated it so much she did it with Chris every weekend while I was in Chicago. Or how JessiKem mananged to hid from me from two months that she had been arrested for stealing earrings from Claire's. How much I was in love with Belle, How i tried to conceal it, and how every day during free period I would explain to Megan Morgan, the prodigy and delightful heiress, that no matter what, I could never date the irresistable "Kevin."Those were the best days of my life, but it's all fucked up now. Lu and JessiKem were supposed to be best friends, but ever since Joe broke up with Lu and dated JessiKem before dumping her and going back out with Lu, they're on the fritz. and Even Krystal had issues when she stole Josh from JessiKem who liked him first, and they're still dating, but Krystal's ex, Bob is now dating Emma, who's Kaleigh's best friend, and she's the only one I hang out with now and then. Or we could go into last year, How Jacob kissed Lucy and then told me he wanted me and then kissed Jessie the very next day. Or even Mikael, who liked all four of us and changed his mind constantly about being gay. Jeremiah, who he dated, who also dated Jessica, who I happen to have an enormous crush on. It's confusing and insane, and I cant remember how I ever lived through it.Maybe I didn't and I'm now coming off the best high of my life. I can only hope as much.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Excludes Prescriptions, Alcohol, Gift Cards, Lottery, Money Orders, Postage Stamps, Pre-paid cards and Tobacco Products.
here is no girl I'm in love with--I just think they're pretty, is all. Women have a way with articulation, with imagery, and splendor like never understood by men. Men try to inscribe it, but Shakespeare hadn't an accommodating inkling. He never met the incomparable Anna Gaca.
Out of six-hundred twenty-five-- three-hundred forty-two actually reveal being in love with female counterparts. This is not a suggestion. This is unpolluted happenstance because I am not in love with a girl and I will marry when I grow up---not to a girl. Well, maybe if a girl was ever like the girl I met in Chicago. It's peculiar...she's not even the same girl as back in July. Or at least, in my mentality, she's dissimilar. Pedestal, pedostool, either way, she's up there, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with her! Boys are adequate for now, thank-you.

I dreamt I walked athwart Lake Michigan, but Michigan wasn't on the other side, Los Angeles was, and I was pissed for trying to contact Chicago and failing epically. Like I said; the distinction between concrete and asphalt, the peak of stairs in a six-story building. Word, you’re killing me. You’re piercing and sharpening and making it bleed. These jade underlines and scarlet squiggly lines are driving me insane. I heard that word is valued. I agree. But how long until they get that way? They can’t just go on the page and instantly they are magically precious. There has to be something—an incantation, maybe? So something I’m missing. If you figure it out, call me Al. I’ll be at the bottom of lake Michigan, holding onto the oxygen tank for dear life, and still searching for the Emerald City underwater.
It’s an ornery day full of strange occurrences, so please excuse the sheer mariahness of a covert operation.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Sour skittles
I now have three feet and the balls to say that crocs are the ugliest shoe-thing to ever have been produced, I hate them like I hate your smile, your nose-twitching, and your ability to make me laugh when I'm about to kill a man, or woman, or whichever is more convenient, really.
That felt nice to scrape off my tongue. "He hasn't got taste buds yet, silly," she giggled, and I just sat to pout for an extra hour while the kid was changed, fed, and burped. I wish I was given that much attention for crying and bitching about life.
I had one shot, one chance, one opportunity, to seize everything I ever wanted. I tried to capture it, but I let it slip. I filled out an early decision application (the one where you check saying that if you get accepted you will go no matter what) to the WRONG college. In my defense, it has the same name, but a different location, address, symbol, etc.
I meant it for Columbia College Chicago.
it went to Columbia College in South Carolina...
...This is why you need a prescription for the dosage of Oxy i swallowed before my shift.
It isn't outrageous, I swear, though I wish it were so maybe for once I could obtain your level of perception, just once.
My list of girls I gave you? was false because you are number one and always will be no matter what and who I meet.
you will be graceful in the mind of mariah. Always.
And in a perfect world, Krystal would be my best friend, I would be at Bishop Moore, but Anna and I would be planning to move in together in chicago at columbia once the semester started. and Krystal would visit, and I would visit her in whatever college she decided on, i guess. the future is all too murky where i swim, and the alternative universes are driving my brain inside itself. cor.
Did you know that i'm doing all of this stuff to end up in your blog? but i dont.
and i wont.
The curtain called, I'm out.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 12:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Constantly Risking Absurdity*
Hey, rie, the alarm is on.
yeah, i noticed.
Iambic in your marching,
formal with a white laced glove,
artistically stained with deep maroon blood.
At once, I found a path uncovered,
a life I strive to lose,
a game I did not participate,
a choice I failed to choose.
Tried to save this page for you, tried to be as strong.
I feel closer to the sky than you, because the Lexus is raised and I'm tilted on our axis. There were more than three fights today. Over something as ridiculous as a Bishop Moore uniform, after I paid for the gas myself. Sad songs remind me of how horrible of a 24-hours I've had. Worst than the day I was expelled.
Hopefully, it'll get easier. But I made the mistake of applying to the wrong Columbia College---kill me.
LondonInkSpot: Tu, ma chèrie, es overattaché à les petites choses qui n'ont pas d'importance.
you think I don't know that by now?
They need to stop talking about me. I'm not this morning's gossip. So, I drank. I might've hit the pipe, and "yer darn right" I kissed both of those boys since they were as trashed as I was. I also didn't get caught, but this is the price I pay. I wasn't trying to be mean to Emma, but, fuck she told. I told her I was sorry. But I've fought with Kathy, Mary, Diane, Guard, Kaleigh, Emma, and Joe today. Not to mention mother dearest.
The ultimate social experiment is a course to discover why in the world I care.
I haven't spoken to Anna in awhile and it sorta bothers me, but I was lying to her either way
it was a joke, to me, but she might be pissed, I doubt it.
"The DA is dressed to the nines
in the mirror he practices all his lines
to his closing argument
twelve hearts beat in favor
I'm guessing that he read the morning paper
the headlines read 'the man hangs!'
but the jury doesn't
and everyone's looking for relief
United States verses disbelief
mothers cast tears on both sides of the aisle
Case Open, Case shut
but you could pay to close it like a casket
baby boy can't lift his head up
isn't it tragic?
he glances at his peers sitting seven to twelve
stacked on one to six the gallery is hushed--
boys in three pieces dream of grand standing in bravado
still he sleeps in a cell not withstanding what we all know
hang on a rope with bated breathe
whichever you prefer
the foreman reached the verdict:
'in the above entitled actions we find the defendant...
guilty, guilty. guilty.'"
*this title has been stolen but the words are my invention.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Eurhythmics 2
I boarded my flight this morning with trepidation.
Hangover? check.
No-Bite nailpolish? check.
feelings of eminent failure? check.
AP Environmental Exam review workbook? check.
excitment for fulfilling an ultimate dream, fantasy, whatever?
guess i forgot that shit at home, cause if mom finds out before my ass is in seat C26, I will never leave my hospital bed, let alone the airport. From under the corkscrew plays loudly, drowning out all of the safety reminders and demonstrations by the flight attendents. I feel like Kevin from HomeAlone 2, i could be on the wrong plane, god dammit!
But it takes off without a stitch, and I relax measurably. The glasses come on, the gloves are off, and a coke is experiencing extreme turbulence since the weather in chicago is nothing like that in sunny-ass florida.
Of course Rogue Wave is on the soundtrack for Nick and Nora's infinite playlist, use your head! You have concert tickets and you are busy the day I fly in---I know that and I'm not surprised, you are a very popular girl and it was rude of me to decide that you would have to be free the second I was within train distance. Forgive me.
It's a good thing you did have plans, because I didn't go to Chicago, and I probably won't. I never left this fucking city, and I'm scared I never will. Yes, I will eat my fritos covered in an explosion of twisty flavor of the Honey BBQ persuasion. I will listen to my Sweeney Todd songs on repeat and I will toss a rifle with a cracked thumb, because my name is Mariah and I do whatever the fuck I want.
I will write this blog instead of completing the ginormous pile of homework haunting in my closet. I will be jealous and imagine you, here, with me, to sort of ease the way. Maybe I'll lie about something else stupid. Honesty is not my policy, sweetie, and I'm sure one of us will want out of this before it even starts. I will attempt to get inot the signing-dancing-let's-do-overdue-make-up-vocabularly mood, but I wont make you any promises, love.
I was not drunk, but I was halfway there, I guess. Tolerence fades when the habit dies because Paul made it.
So I vulnerable to Shawn's tactics....Scott's too, and if any other guys had been there---fuck, I woud've gotten with them too. Why is it that when I decide I'm interested in girls...I actually have options in guys.
I'm working on Homecoming.
I'm going to go cry now.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
tiny dancer.
Piano concerto in music appreciation. remember that every good boy deserves fudge and that faces are blank when the notes are whole, or half, or even quarter. ta ta ti-ti ta is no longer acceptable. Use your body percussion to let the music control since the flags are locked in the Tuba graveyard. Count the beats, It's measure forty-two with 2/4 unfortunately, and I'm completely lost as she hands me a tambourine. Fuck my life, I never signed up for this class.
Theory and observation only get you so far--the opinions behind them are biased but I promise not to persuade you to this side of the yard. I give my solemn vow that as long as these lungs contract with air, I will show up tomorrow, for every single period and no method of trickery will get me off that god damn campus. I'm still obsessed with violins and today I shared their wealth with a friend who isn't a friend and really, never was, I realize.
McDonald's lost my faith today---I got jipped a burger and fries which is probably a good thing since I almost puked with the heat and the cigarettes together.
Mono is one, but Non is eight, and there are composites with prime and suddenly 80 + 4= 81. That doesnt make sense, should I have divided the exponets? is that even possible? She's talking me through relaxing, but i need more than a 1300 in order to get a nice free eL ride to Chicago. Fuck my life, if I'm not there I'll Die. November 17th can't come fast enough and Mom is still unawares. Jack's Obsession can't compare, Mariah has an addiction, and it's insatiable. I'm one letter away from truancy and I feel like shit for missing English, again.
Open house was closed house for me. Mom is on the ritz, So when I came to get my calculator, I found the wine stashed under the mattress. Jake got the job at CVS so I guess we're coworkers now. But I miss Danielle...and kate's signature is pretty, like her. Handwriting can be reflective, I suppose. mine look like shit haha
I'm playing this string quartet too loud for the neighbors to ignore, and sirens are screaming for an escaped convict, I'm locking the doors, the window, and the alcohol cabinet before I go to sleep. My nightmares give me an insight to what could have been if Paul had fallen for Anna, and visa-versa.
Everyone is stressing for this test, I'm not, so I bet I'll fail.
if it bleeds, it leads, so I get to be captain this year.
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
pretty baby
fifty-two times four, plus fifty-two divided by two and then times by four, again. That's how many JuJuBees are in a box; I counted while I hide from my mother in the thorny bushes beside our house on the golfcourse. I waited for two hours at least and those men with their ranger flags gave me dirty looks for smoking on the fence--hey, it's public property and I was here first, man!
No, I won't mind filling your tank, you need 30$ more than I do. I'll pay for the cigarettes, too, because we both need those very badly. Drinks? Sure, I'm thirsty, as well. The smoke makes my throat raspy and we tend to cough sporadically throughout the day. That's what one of my teachers said yesterday "your attendence is sporadic for a leadership member" So I skipped the day after and now I'm feeling that wasn't the smartest idea I've had in a while. Open House is tomorrow and I get my new schedule---fucked up like my grades and the so-called 'issue' with an ex-boyfriend who can barely stand to look at me, but everyone says he wishes he could.
The beach will be sandy, I'll hate it--it'll be hot, I'll sweat and have to wear a stupid bikini with fleur-de-lis' on it around jacob, his best friend. Homecoming sounds more exciting, but I'll still go with jake because he asked me to and I owe travis a day to hang out...i've ditched them since Paul broke up with me. I draw the line at homecoming. I'm not going. I'd rather pluck my eyebrows with bitcher knives. srsly.
Hillbilly day sounds like something I did in pre-school. Twin Day was an activity we had for eighth grade week at St. Charles. Retro Day? Why---that was Bishop Moore's Homecoming theme...last year. Way to keep up, Edgewater, epic fail, as always. The only day I'll do is red and white party---those sound inviting. It'll almost be like black and gold day, but obviously with different colors.
My rasberry bars are beeping and suddenly, I'm a cookster! Happy six months, pretty baby.
"There's a light on in Chicago
and I know I should be home.
All the colors of the streetlights;
they remind of the pick-up truck
out in front of your neighbors house.
You want apologies
girl you might hold your breathe
until your breathing stops. Forever
the only thing you'll get
is this curse on your lips
I hope they taste of me. Forever."
Posted by Mustard Mariah at 4:40 PM 0 comments