Tuesday, October 28, 2008

today is the day I started all this shit. Five years ago, I was kicked out of the buildings with hallways and bars and detentions, and little grey lockers I had my name and my pictures in. There were teachers who could cry almost as hard as me, and books I wrote threats in the year before so why would it matter the October of my 8th grade graduation I ask you?

I'm super sick. I am sweltering in 49 degree weather. I am freezing when the fire is smoking and my nose is running like an avalanche. I have no cell phone---it's been stolen. I have no life in other words. I have no sweater and all my so-called friends are a bunch of fucking liars.

But I have Mikael. and Chris. and Emma, Kaleigh, sometimes Lucy as well, I guess.

but I feel helpless and worthless and I have to wonder why all my shit is always being jacked.

I should not be surprised, it's October 28th, you know.