You said to be impulsive.
"I hate people," I tell you. "and I hate when they come to my house. Especially kids. Go away children--you are violent and will drink all my water! Away!"
No, there is no water storage and honestly, they were here to work on an AP literature production of Dora the Explorer in relation to The Handmaid's Tale by Margarete Atwood. Nothing out of the ordinary.
"These kids are here for the show! what show? The Ballad of Mariah's failure, of course! And they drink more water than an elephant! I haven't the funds to restock!"
You told me water is free, but nothing comes cheap in this life, baby.
Get these kids out of here, she yelled but I can't let them loose in the rain; they'll melt because they are fake and unreal and I think in my imagination. Is this impulsive enough for you?
I didn't know hallucinations could drive but one is behind the wheel of a BMW. Wow, they are wealthy delusions! Can I convey to you, possibly, how insane I am, or how crazy you drive me with dwarves and Bilbo Baggans? I'm reading that book now to maybe get a feel of you, but the closest I come is cherry chapstick running me $3.99 a pack. Fuck this.
Now water is tragically pouring from the sky so I think I'll fill their empty water bottles with it! Ingenious! I am not on drugs, except your approval; the thing I get high off the most. No, I am drumming with the captain I think I have a crush on. Hey wait--I'm Gay and Moira lives within my blood, trickling lesbian literature and feminist rights of love. He was black but wet from the rain and now the cars have lined up to buy my new water, stolen from the clouds. I have all the wealth currently.
I hope the dwarves are not driving, how absurd would that be? Dwarves can't drive! Or if they are, at least sit them on a pillow, maybe some phonebooks so they can see. My eyes are not black nor blank so maybe I could be your audience? They have consumed all my lemonade and now I am lemonadeless. When life gives you lemons, you paint blue poster boards with them. Hurry, the kids are cartwheeling--give them fingerpaints or death!
Talk to me, Anna, like you did last night. Your defeated silence is absolute torture and resigns me to converse with these vivid fairytale people. Please, kill me with your gold, little devil, and take mercy on this impulsiveness I'm poorly attempting to adopt. Lindsey is not here, so will you be my Krystal? Be my pop-up Sex website when I'm trying to study history and hush me when I cry because I was Jealous of your Leonardo Dicaprio doll the entire time. I'm vein, but it's vital you understand how sick I can make myself. I feinted today and sleep is something I am deprived of, marijuana is something I yearn for, but you are something I'm craving and I'll do anything to taste you.
That was not a pun. It was an anti-pun. It was bitter remorse for not doing to you what you did to me so you could maybe relive it as much as I do. Yes, I will follow you into the dark, into the city, and into the shower if you asked me. Anything you want---I'm there. I'd fly to Chicago tonight if I thought it would rewrite what we've done so the ending could be happy and not the repeat of what happened last year. I love you, I love you, I love you. But you're in love with the Joker.