There are no hills in Florida, yet Chase and I can brag and boast of our ungodly snowboarding skill. He brought in a picture, while I relayed some memories, and its a conspiracy because he knew Lucy when she was a child and that freaked me out some. The sound and sense of the world explains that no matter what, I'll be at school on Tuesday. And either way, I'll score high enough on the SAT to get a 90 grand grant for the College I spent the summer at. I'll step out of the attempt at poetic prose and tell you that i took Fiction Writing I, Poetry Workshop, and Marketing Goes to the Movies this past July. Next summer, I will take Fiction Writing II, Backstage Production, and Theory of Music (or Unarmed Stage Combat).
Anarchy took that last class this past session and I got to see him hug his mommy, while we teased in absurd british accents. There's this draw I have to music she listened to and now it doesnt sound so bad at all and I buy it on Itunes when it could be free on limewire. There was an Epiphany last night, not like a dream, but an actual revelation and it reminded me of all those fucking people I'm trying my best to forget. I woke before it ended so I'll never know. I'll swallow my cinnamon flavored guitar shaped mints from Hard Rock Cafe and try to forget the Prom I went through. You cant eat your enemies, Mariah, just hush, love, hush, and wait for the revenge to come. I'm waiting.
After 11:01pm this evening, CVS will have fully paid for the debt I owe to the bank and maybe something extra to buy myself something nice. I did do the thrift store thing and I enjoyed it thoroughly much. Granted, we stopped at Kmart and Ross, but I had to get those jeans or I think I might've died. I even got a dress and some dress code shorts. I'll be damned to be sent home again for violation when I've spent an equivalent to eleven years in elite Private education, with a uniform painted on and smile forced by an electric cattle prod and God. Thank God for Mikael, he talked me into the 24.00 overshirt thingie which is probably why I have no money for cigarettes. I smoked one of mom's last night and I am reduced to this. I rearranged my room and now I truly see the mess, though I dont feel like cleaning it up yet. I aspired to photograph the way my room looks like a disaster currently, but I left my camera under Mikael's passanger seat when we made passionate love in the heat. Of course I'm lying, but it's a nice story and hell, it rhymed. It's too late for faith and I need to jump in the shower soon, and maybe I'll stand still for long enough to wake up and grow up and maybe buy a clue.

Dear Bishop Moore,
So it's the weekend, but I saw Kelly Bee's album on senior year with golden shirts and re-sewed skirts, that ought not be hemmed even for the comfort of sinking the cotton in this upgraded Florida stimulated heat. The temperature is rising, and so are their blouses, exposing their midrifts and I enjoy it like all the boys, admiring from where I was, pretending to be looking at the sky, making up my mind that I know where I stand and I'm proud. Easy enough, they took no notice maybe since Gabi and Theresa, the school has begun to accept different types of people, as long as they dont claim catholisicm. Believe me, I dont, though I know you tried so hard. I never took your damn communion, and I never will. God is a superstituion, and Bishop Moore is a flase Prophet. You abandoned me and God saw it. Now you fucked, cause he's going to whip out some ancient Jew whoopass on your souls. Then i might be believe. I don't envy you. I feel sorry for you, and Belle, and Lucy and Jessie and Joe and the tangled webs they weave. Here's what you did to my friend; you killed them, you ruined the people i helped bring out, the people everyone loved. Jessie dated Josh, who's dating Krystal, who dated Bob, who dated Lucy, who dated Joe, who is now dating Jessie. And this is what they have done to themselves and I dont feel one sliver of sorry. I lost my friends, you lost a devoted follower, and in the end, we all lost our dignity because everyone has done shit to be ashamed of. Especially you, BM, because the issue with me on colorguard was low and I swear I'll write it one day.
As Always,
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